want yaas to work better for you?

1. Configure log level

If you are using docker or running this on your own server, or just debugging some issues, you might need to set the log level to a lower level.

loglevel: 'error'

//	You can also set this in the environment 
LOG_LEVEL = verbose
property namedescriptiondefault
loglevelthe log level for the entire yaas servererror


Log levels

if you want everything (debugging, information, and verbose), set the log level to verbose so you know everything happening in the server, set the log level to verbose

2. Configure concurrency

yaas use background workers to handle all incoming requests, for each type of request, server allocate number of processes to handle them, if you have a really powerful machine, you can set this to a higher number.

concurrency: 3 //  IMPORTANT: if you don't specify this, we will use number of processor you have as concurrency

4. Configure HMAC secret

when yaas is running in a closed environment, you can specify the entire config json object using a encrypted hash, server then will pick the hash and decrypt with the HMAC secret and load the config.

HMACSecret: '909957e0fe0b9d8197e44e6daeee9336'

//	You can also set this in the environment 
SECRET = 909957e0fe0b9d8197e44e6daeee9336

5. Configure autoclean feature

when yaas is finished with a background task, the task remains in the database as completed task that can be referenced later as a log, you can also let yaas to clear this log automatically by setting autoclean to true

autoclean: false

6. Configure kue admin panel

yaas use kue to manage background task, if you want to manage jobs you can go to the admin panel for kue and manage all the tasks in the system

ui: {
            apiURL: '/api', // IMPORTANT: specify the api url
            baseURL: '/kue', // IMPORTANT: specify the base url
            updateInterval: 2000 // Optional: Fetches new data every 5000 ms



the kue admin panel can be accessed by anyone, but in v1.5 we will secure this